Everything You Need to Know About Hip Resurfacing – How Does It Work?

Have you experienced severe pain in the hip region lately? Do you experience trouble moving around and carrying out your usual tasks? Exercises and other home remedies cannot reduce these symptoms. So, you need medical help for proper treatment. If medications failed to control brittle pain, seek hip surgery as the possible solution to the problem. Hip resurfacing is an operation that can be used to reduce how sore your hip feels and help you feel more like yourself again.
Do you need surgical solutions for hip problems?
Most doctors recommend hip surgery for younger patients whose age is below 60. The patient should be physically active and have healthy bones. The surgeon will not replace your hip joint fully. Your bone health is the most significant factor in determining the need for surgery.
The expert will also check your hip bone size before applying the resurfacing technique. Most men have larger bones compared to women. So, the surgery will differ in some small ways between the two.
Understand the details of hip resurfacing
Hip resurfacing is a surgical treatment, which reshapes your hip joint. It solves your mobility issues and alleviates your pain. Your hip has a ball and socket joint, and during the operation, the expert will remove the ball’s and socket’s surfaces. They will then resurface these parts with metal to make a smooth metal-on-metal bearing surface.
Another outstanding feature unique to hip resurfacing is that it is superior to other hip replacement surgeries because the process is not worn out as quickly.
When do you need hip resurfacing?
The healthcare experts recommend surgery when you have severe hip-related issues. Initially, they will ask you to modify your activities or undergo physical therapy. If these non-surgical solutions do not work, you need surgery. Some common symptoms that need surgical operations are:
- Intense hip pain
- Swelling
- Limited mobility
- Stiffness in your joints
- Instability issues
What’s more, those with rheumatoid arthritis may need hip resurfacing surgery.
Steps for hip resurfacing surgery
Before starting the surgery, the expert will numb your body with anaesthesia. It will save you from experiencing pain during the treatment. Some surgeons provide medications before dealing with hip surgery. They will make incisions in your skin near the hip. This procedure lets doctors take out the injured bone and cartilage. Once they put in the artificial acetabulum, they’ll reshape the femur’s top to insert the artificial socket.
The surgeon will place a metal cap on the femur. However, some professionals choose the ceramic cap for this process. The hip joint realignment makes the surgery successful.
How does the hip resurfacing technique benefit you?
The surgery increases your mobility, allowing you to jump and run efficiently. After recovering from the surgery, you will resume your normal routine. Hip resurfacing will alleviate your pain and other types of discomfort. However, it takes a couple of months to take part in physically intense activities. You will get more instructions from your surgeon for faster recovery from hip resurfacing.
Look for the right surgeon to determine if you need an advanced hip resurfacing procedure. The expert will check your hip condition before making the decision.